village Velká Kraš

village Velká Kraš

... established in 1256

About village

The village of Velká Kraš is one of the oldest inhabited localities in Jeseniky. The first mention of Velká Kraš dates back to the middle of the 13th century in 1256. Velká Kraš was formed by the merger of Malá, Fojtova, Velká and Hukovice, whose axis is formed by the flow of the Vidnávka River. The village was properly under Vidnava from 1973 and became independent in 1990. The municipal cadastre of 2150ha occupies a fertile part of the Vidnava lowland in the north, near the state border with Poland, west of Vidnava, with the Žulovská hilly area to the south. The lowest altitude point of the Jeseník district is 221 m above sea level, where the Vidnávka River leaves the area. The highest altitude is reached by the island mountain Smolný 440 m above sea level.

  1. You may not know that...Velká Kraš has been a centre of stone mining and processing since the 19th century.
  2. One of the local enterprises in 1908-1945 was the stone-sculpture company of the academic sculptor J. Obeth (1874-1961).
  3. In Hukovice was operated from 1873 a distillery, later a liquor and fruit juice factory.

Monuments and attractions

  1. Church of St. Florian from the second half of the 18th century
  2. Church of Our Lady from the second half of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century
  3. Pauk's Elm Memorial Tree
  4. Memorial to the victims of war and violence
  5. Venus bowls
  6. Outdoor exhibition of wandering boulders
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